Monday, 7 February 2011


Carrying on from the pictures I posted earlier of my friends and I in London, my friend Charlotte, who writes a blog, Lay Down I Think I Love You, took some photos on her disposable camera. 
(doesn't the door look like the one in Inception?) 
These were taken on a disposable camera, aka my favourite way to take photos. 

Sunday, 6 February 2011


One of things I really love about my university is just how close to London I am. Last week, my friends and I decided on a whim to go up to the Tate Modern and to see some sights. It's so nice to be a 20 minute train ride away from London instead of a 90 minute one. 
These photos of Charlotte and I on the Millennium Bridge were taken with the Hipstamatic iPhone app. While Charlotte was dressed sensibly in her lovely coat, I was freezing in my aviator jacket; it may be stylish, its not warm. Then again, it is from Primark and I don't really expect anything I buy from there to be of high quality. 

Wednesday, 2 February 2011


I was given this type writer necklace for Christmas and I have barely taken it off, so much so that I can't believe it hasn't appeared on here yet. It's from Topshop, but I can't find it on the website. It so cute and it goes with just about anything. If I saw it in a shop, I would have picked it up and admired it, but probably wouldn't have bought it, so it goes to show how things can be surprising. 
I think the detail on the type writer is exquisite - there are actually words on the piece of paper and letters engraved into the keys.
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