Monday, 29 November 2010

Ice Skating

My little brother came to stay with me this weekend, and as a treat for both of us, I took him ice skating at Hampton Court Palace.
I didn't fall over, but the same can't be said for my brother:

There was someone on the rink taking photos of people, so that you could buy them afterwards. We were completely bought into this marking ploy and got one each.
Taken with my beloved Hipstamatic app, which I haven't used in a while: 
 I think I'm one of the few people who actually likes winter. I love the cold, because I get to wear big warm coats, hats and scarves. I love the way the trees looks when their leaves all fall off, all the Christmas decorations going up, the delicious food to eat and getting home to my warm flat when it's freezing outside. 
Flo x


  1. Lovely n_n
    I like Winter for the same reasons^^ and for the "I'm cold"-hugs n_n



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