Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Film Review: Inception

One of my closest and dearest friends is really into her films, and a few months ago she lent me her copy of the July issue of Empire magazine, which contained a huge feature on Inception, the new film by Christopher Nolan, who directed, amongst other things, The Dark Knight. After seeing a few trailers/teasers, most sent to me by my film-enthusiast friend, and the realisation that the film starred two of my favourite actors, Tom Hardy (Heathcliff in the ITV version of Wuthering Heights) and Joseoh-Gordon Levitt (from 500 Days Of Summer), as well as my favourite girl-crush Ellen Page (Juno), I headed along to the cinema today, more than a little bit excited.
I'm terrible in the cinema - I'm the person you really don't want to sit by because I talk and crack jokes all the way through whatever film I'm watching. Not Inception though. Apart from asking if an actor was who I thought he was, I didn't say anything to the friend I was with - this film had me so captured, so absorbed, that I didn't notice two hours passing until I realised I desperately needed the toilet. 
The film is excellent; it draws the viewer in and makes them want to keep watching. There are a lot of twists and turns in the plot, so attention needs to kept on the screen at all times. The end, while not a cliffhanger, leaves questions in the viewers minder, which meant that my friend and I were outside the cinema in the rain, talking about Inception for a good 20 minutes. 
I don't want to give away the plot of the film, and it's quite hard to say to much about the film without spoiling it, so watch the trailer below to get an idea of what the film is about.  

The only thing that disappointed me about Inception was the lack of development in the relationship between Ellen Page's and Joseph Gordon-Levitt's characters. I would have liked to have seen a bit more of that. But maybe that's just me, and Leonardo Dicaprio's relationship with his wife is the main focus of the film.
The acting is brilliant - Ellen Page steals every scene she is and I was very impressed by Leonardo Dicaprio's performance (he's still got it!). But stop reading this now. And go and see the film. 
Flo x

1 comment:

  1. I've read the article you refereed to on Empire magazine and they were the one who've persuaded me to go and see that movie :)


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